Crispy Coconut Cookies


Tips for Cooking This Dish

  1. Use Softened Butter: Ensure the butter is softened to room temperature for easy creaming with the sugars.
  2. Don't Overmix: Mix the dough until the ingredients are just combined to avoid tough cookies.
  3. Watch the Bake Time: Keep an eye on the cookies while baking. They should be golden brown on the edges but still soft in the center when you take them out.
  4. Cooling: Let the cookies cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes before transferring to a wire rack to finish cooling. This helps them set and firm up.
  5. Storage: Store the cookies in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a week. You can also freeze the dough balls and bake them as needed.

Serve it with Suggestions

Coconut Cookies can be enjoyed on their own or paired with various accompaniments:

  • With Beverages: Pair with a glass of cold milk, a cup of hot coffee, or a refreshing iced tea.
  • As Part of a Dessert Platter: Include these cookies in a dessert platter with other cookies, brownies, and sweets.
  • With Ice Cream: Serve alongside a scoop of vanilla or coconut ice cream for a delightful treat.
  • Dipped in Chocolate: For an extra indulgence, dip half of each cookie in melted dark chocolate and allow to set.
  • In Lunchboxes: Perfect for packing in lunchboxes as a sweet surprise.


Q: Can I use unsweetened shredded coconut?
A: Yes, you can use unsweetened shredded coconut, but the cookies will be less sweet. You may want to increase the sugar slightly to compensate.

Q: How do I make the cookies chewier?
A: For chewier cookies, slightly underbake them by 1-2 minutes and allow them to cool on the baking sheet.

Q: Can I add other ingredients to the dough?
A: Absolutely! You can add chocolate chips, nuts, or dried fruit to the dough for added texture and flavor.

Q: Can I make these cookies gluten-free?
A: Yes, substitute the all-purpose flour with a gluten-free flour blend that is a 1:1 replacement.

Q: How do I store the cookies?
A: Store the cookies in an airtight container at room temperature for up to a week. They can also be frozen for longer storage.

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